
Of my three dates this week, I was looking forward to Mr. I Don’t Want to Be Here the most.  We started talking back in February on OKC.  We had some good discussion about books and winter and then I asked him out for a drink. Crickets. Well that was fun. Never really gave him a second thought until I got a message from him last week! He had no idea why he never responded to my drinks request but was wondering if I still wanted to go out. So we traded numbers and I heard from him on Sunday afternoon.

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Our text banter was fun! He seemed flirty and cute and like we could get along well.  He jokingly asked if I wanted to take tequila shots with him come Wednesday. I said sure and was looking forward to it. Day of the date, I still hadn’t heard from him about what time.  So I threw out a line, something along the lines of “Are we still on for party time tonight?” I was expecting a fun, flirty answer to go along with our earlier conversations.  But all I got was “Sounds good. 8 ok?” Was this the same person? Even though it’s never wise to over analyze texts, that one def left me a little cold.


It took me a 20 minute walk and two buses to get to his side of town.  Miraculously I was early so got a seat at the bar and ordered a drink before he arrived. He got there about 10 minutes later, we traded a quick hug, and then started talking. From the start, I just felt like something was off. For starters, I was one asking ALL of the questions.  I think he asked me one question all night – where did I grow up.  Note to all men – ask a girl some questions on a fricken date! This isn’t a job interview. A conversation requires both people to ask questions! We had quite a few awkward pauses and I tried to fill them with random observations and questions. He perked up a little while talking (men just loooove talking about themselves) but mostly he just seemed like he did not want to be there. Maybe he had a bad day or something? Fine.  Maybe as soon as he saw me, he regretted setting up the date or something? But I had on a really cute dress that made my boobs look great! It can’t have been it, can it?? But if you don’t want to be there, have one drink and leave. Or maybe just be an adult and be polite and talk to another human being who spent an hour and half on two smelly buses to get to you.  Bah.


After two drinks I had had about enough of Mr. I Don’t Want to Be Here. Since I had to pay for my first drink and I would be taking a $20 Uber home, I was hoping he’d pay for the one cocktail I had. So I went to the bathroom both to signal I was ready to head out and also that maybe he’d pay the bill while I was gone and we could jet.  But when I came back from the loo, bill not paid, and there he is still sipping his water. God.  He finally reached for the bill and I just didn’t offer to pay. Oh well.  That’s how I roll. I got a Uber, we left with an obligatory “This was fun, thank you, weird hug” and I hopped into my Uber.  I had a wayyyy better conversation with Mohammad my Uber driver than that dud. Let me tell you. Five stars for you, Mohammad. Five stars!

What happened here? Who was writing me all those nice messages and texts? And who showed up at the bar to have drinks with me? I mean I know your texting persona can be different from your real life one but this guy was just bizarre. The saddest part is he was sort of cute! What a waste of nice brown hair and eyes. Sigh!
